Dockamon – PyRx

Complete molecular docking, virtual screening and ligands scoring software package.

Dockamon – PyRx is a structure-based drug design software package containing two integrated software programs.

PyRx: Molecular docking and virtual screening software.

  • Molecular Docking: Perform molecular docking using AutoDock and AutoDock Vina software,
  • Virtual Screening: Perform docking on datasets automatically, analyze and export results conveniently.
  • Ligands Preparation: Perform energy minimization on ligands and convert to PDBQT format.
  • Other Features: Other useful functionalities, including 3D-molecular viewer and the identification of similar compounds in the PubChem database.

Dockamon: Ligands scoring software utilizing machine learning-based scoring functions.

  • Ligands Scoring: Score docked poses using a machine learning scoring function including RF-Score V2 and SVM-Score.
  • Consensus Scoring: Combine scores from more than one scoring function to achieve better predictions.
  • Protein-Ligand Interactions: Publication quality 2D and 3D interactive visualization of protein-ligand interactions. Customizable interactions options.
  • Protein and Ligand Preparation: Prepare protein structures and ligands for docking, scoring or other molecular modeling tasks.
  • Filtering & Substructure Matching: SMARTS and SMILES pattern substructure search, numerical and text-based filtering of the data.
  • Other Features: Additional functionalities, including chemical spreadsheet capabilities, protein structure management, descriptor calculations, and conformer generation.


Dockamon – PyRx 1.0

$1,394.58 (Coupon: ACADEMIC)

Dockamon – PyRx 1.0


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